Facts On Baking Soda Teeth Whitening

Box of baking soda and a small glass bowl with some baking soda in it

By: Dr. Amy See

Baking soda is advertised as a multi-purpose household staple that can be used to mask smells, brighten your clothes, and yes, even whiten your teeth. So is it true that baking soda whitens your teeth? The short answer is yes, baking soda can help with teeth whitening. Because it has some mild abrasive properties, it can help remove plaque and scrub away surface stains on your teeth.

But before you head out to buy a box and begin brushing with it every day, there are some things you need to know about baking soda and teeth whitening.

There Are Times When It Won’t Work

Unfortunately, baking soda doesn’t work for everyone or every situation. While its abrasive texture can remove some minor surface stains, it’s not as successful at eliminating deeper staining on your teeth. When tooth discoloration seeps below the surface, baking soda won’t be able to touch it with just your routine brushing. The only way to reach these deeper stains is you’ll need to explore alternative dental whitening options to get rid of it. But don’t worry, there are solutions for everyone. Whether it’s a professional in-office whitening treatment, at-home whitening trays and whitening gel, or cosmetic dentistry like veneers, you can get that bright, white smile that you dream of. Talk with your dentist to find out what option is the most appropriate solution for you.

How To Use It

If you’d like to give baking soda a shot at whitening your smile, there’s a right way and a wrong way to use it. Make sure you follow the steps below to limit any damage to your teeth.

  • Mix the baking soda with water. You can use a small cup or bowl and mix a half-teaspoon of baking soda with 1-2 teaspoons of water to create a paste. Then you can brush your teeth with this paste or apply it onto your teeth using your fingers. For maximum effect, leave the baking soda paste on your teeth for approximately two minutes and then thoroughly rinse it out with water.

  • Don’t brush hard, maintain your normal brushing technique of small, gentle circles.

  • Limit its use to once or twice a week, maximum.

  • Don’t replace your traditional toothpaste with baking soda -- it’s not an effective substitute as it doesn’t protect against bacteria, decay, or gum disease.

There Are Some Risks

What can be risky about baking soda, you ask? If used incorrectly, it may actually do more harm than good. The same abrasive texture that makes it an effective way to erase staining is also the same thing that can lead to more serious concerns. When baking soda is used too often or if you brush your teeth too roughly with it, it can damage your tooth enamel and leave your teeth exposed to decay. Decreased enamel also increases the likelihood of tooth sensitivity, which can be pretty painful. Baking soda shouldn’t be used if you have braces as there is a chance the baking soda can weaken the glue of your braces.

Are you looking to get a whiter smile and want to check out your options? Give my dental office a call to schedule an appointment. We’ll look into what may be causing your teeth discoloration and explore which treatment options would be most effective for you.


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