Is Your Smile Making You Look Older?

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

By: Dr. Amy See

Your smile can say a lot of things about you -- you’re happy, you’re confident, you’re professional, you’re… old?

Nobody wants to look older than they are!

But the unfortunate truth is, your smile may be aging you in the eyes of others.

At my dental office, we hear many patients express concern over the appearance of their teeth and how some aspects of their smile make them look older than they really are. But thanks to modern dentistry, there are several treatments available fix this type of dental problem.

CONCERN #1: “My Teeth Aren’t As White As They Used To Be”

Everyone wants a bright, white smile. But sometimes lifestyle factors like smoking, beverage choices like coffee and red wine, or old silver metal-fillings can keep someone from having pearly whites that are, well, pearly white.

No matter what the reason is behind your teeth discoloration, there’s a solution.

Treatment options include:

CONCERN #2: “My Teeth Look Longer and It Makes Me Self Conscious”

Teeth that are longer in appearance are usually a result of gum recession. Gum recession is typically a result of brushing too hard, gum disease, or from grinding and clenching your teeth.

When the gums recede, parts of your teeth that are usually hidden under the gum line will become visible, causing them to look longer, and, in turn, make you look much older.

But don’t worry. Some of common solutions include:

CONCERN #3: “I’m Experiencing More Chips and Cracks. What’s Going On?”

As we age, our tooth enamel becomes weakened because it has been exposed to different environmental elements all our lives. When this happens, our teeth are more susceptible to damage like chips and cracks.

But don’t worry, advancements in dental technology allow for virtually undetectable restorations like:

If you’re concerned that your smile may be aging you, call my dental office today (click here) and I’ll be happy to discuss the best treatment option for you. You deserve to have the best smile no matter what your age!

To schedule an appointment, feel free to give us a call at (919) 562-8200. We look forward to seeing you!


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